Thursday, June 11

Nigerian teen acquitted of killing her husband.

A 15-year old Nigerian girl’s case of culpable homicide for the death of her 35-year old husband was formally struck off the roll on Tuesday.

Wasila Tasi’u, who was 14 at the time of the incident, was accused of lacing her husband’s meal with rat poison.

During the course of the trial, Tasi’u’s lawyer argued the young teen should be treated as the victim because she was forced to marry at such a young age.

He called for a dismissal on the grounds the State had failed to establish whether Tasi’u intended to kill her husband, and the exact circumstances surrounding his death.

Activists have also used this case to highlight the plight of child marriage in some parts of Nigeria.

The State applied for charges to be withdrawn on 20 May.

photo credit: toridawnrector via photopin cc

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