Sunday, June 14

Prince George makes first appearance on Palace balcony as royals mark Queen’s official birthday.

Prince George watches the Queen's Birthday Parade for the first time
Prince George made his first appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony yesterday June 13 2015,  he joined members of the Royal Family to watch the traditional RAF fly past marking The Queen’s Official Birthday, carried in Prince William’s arms.

Earlier in the morning yeterday, The Queen led the Royal Family as they attended the traditional Trooping the Colour on Horse Guards Parade, where over 1,000 members of the Household Division presented their own age-old tribute to Her Majesty on her official birthday. This year, being the Welsh Guards who also celebrate their centenary.
Royals set off for Horse Guards in a series of carriages at around 10.45, followed shortly after by the Sovereign’s procession, with The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, and accompanied by the Household Cavalry.
The parade itself began at exactly 11am, with the national anthem played by the Massed Bands.

This year, the parade was slightly augmented to allow the national anthem to be played before the carriage stopped at the saluting dais, meaning The Queen didn’t have to get out of the carriage, and then back in a minute later to inspect the line, a change organised to accommodate for The Queen’s ever-advancing age.
Following Her Majesty’s inspection of the line, the Massed Bands begun the traditional ensemble of military favourites of the parade, starting with Prince Charles’s favourite Les Huguenots and then on to this year’s quick march Cannatex.
The Escort for the Colour – this year with one Lieutenant Ed Clark as ensign – then stepped off to the tune of British Grenadiers to collect the colour to be trooped.Read more here

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