Monday, July 20

Body of local teen found in Kern River.

BAKERSFIELD, CA – Many community members are mourning the death of 15-year-old, Nnanedu Odeluga. His body was recovered Sunday morning in the Kern River, after two days of searching.
Odeluga’s father, Ndukwe Odeluga, hopes people can learn from his loss. “People need to know the rocks are dangerous the water is dangerous and this is not a place to come and play,” said Odeluga.
His son took his last breath in the Kern River, jumping off of rocks in the Three Falls area.

Sergeant Avery Simpson says the pond where Odeluga’s body was found had an underwater current. “Partial waterfall inlet that comes in and there is water that comes in from another direction creating a washing machine effect,through that deep water things get pushed down,” said Simpson.
Odeluga’s family friend Schola Kabeya said the family has peace that the teen is in a better place. “God has taken his home we don’t want any family to go through what we are going through,” said Kabeya.
There are two signs warning of the dangers of swimming in the river one at the top of the canyon and one at the bottom. “The sign is way out we need to do more, the sign is way out, we cant just look at these people that die as numbers, they are brothers, they are fathers, they are our children how many more,” said Kabeya.
Since the search began teachers, friends and family have sent messages and photos on social media showing love and support. If you would like to join in on social media friends have set up the #celebratenedu.

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