Monday, December 22


Data Okordudu, the fashion maven who many would credit with much of the recognition the Nigeria fashion industry is enjoying today, appears to have finally come off her grief. She seems to have come to terms with her status as a widow, learning to bloom in spite of the tragedy that rocked her life with the death of her beloved husband. The brains behind JD7 Couture had lost her husband to leukemia in 2012, causing a gloom that took the shine off her bright and spritely face and forcing her to recoil into her shell. But pretty Data has chosen to shed her garment of distress and embrace a positive attitude to life. The late husband, Jaye, was the chairman of Adata Groups. Data had lamented his death, saying: "The experience of losing a loving husband is a difficult one.My husband and I weren't just husband and wife, we were close friends too. Happily, she is getting her groove back and now says that life after Jaye's death has been a very busy one. "I'm getting back, though it takes a lot of hard work," she said. Just when her absence from the social scene was beginning to get tongues wagging, Data resurfaced with a band, looking rejuvenated and more alive than ever.

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