Metro FM DJ Sbu Leope and Forbes Africa have reached an agreement over the fake cover doing the rounds on social media, the magazine said in a statement on Wednesday. This, after Leope threatened legal action for “false and damaging accusations” made by Forbes Africa against him.
“While, Mr. Leope admits that he did not create the Image, our fundamental contention is the Image endorsed by him on social media is the unlicensed use of Forbes Africa’s exclusive intellectual property rights,” said the magazine in a statement.
“Further, the Image is misleading and represents an affiliation that does not exist and has not been approved by Forbes Africa.”
Leope posted the image to his Instagram account on Sunday with a caption advertising his energy drink, Mofaya: “The most spoken about energy drink in the market. I did warn them last year ukuthi uyeza umlilo. We have the most famous KORKOTI in the game.”
On Monday Forbes Africa released a statement saying they were investigating legal action after they discovered the fake cover doing the rounds on social media.
Leope then responded in a statement, saying he did not create the magazine cover. He said he noticed it on social media and decided it was “so cool” he had to use it on his own platforms.
“Mr. Leope has duly acknowledged our concerns and has agreed to take down the Image from his social media networks. It is also important to note that Mr Leope has made it clear that it was not his intention to mislead our readers,” said Forbes Africa.
The company said it had now reached an amicable agreement with Leope.
Image source: Facebook
“While, Mr. Leope admits that he did not create the Image, our fundamental contention is the Image endorsed by him on social media is the unlicensed use of Forbes Africa’s exclusive intellectual property rights,” said the magazine in a statement.
“Further, the Image is misleading and represents an affiliation that does not exist and has not been approved by Forbes Africa.”
Leope posted the image to his Instagram account on Sunday with a caption advertising his energy drink, Mofaya: “The most spoken about energy drink in the market. I did warn them last year ukuthi uyeza umlilo. We have the most famous KORKOTI in the game.”
On Monday Forbes Africa released a statement saying they were investigating legal action after they discovered the fake cover doing the rounds on social media.
Leope then responded in a statement, saying he did not create the magazine cover. He said he noticed it on social media and decided it was “so cool” he had to use it on his own platforms.
“Mr. Leope has duly acknowledged our concerns and has agreed to take down the Image from his social media networks. It is also important to note that Mr Leope has made it clear that it was not his intention to mislead our readers,” said Forbes Africa.
The company said it had now reached an amicable agreement with Leope.
Image source: Facebook
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