Wednesday, May 6


This is the shocking moment a woman abandons her naked newborn baby by a street lamp, only for the child to be discovered by his granddad half-an-hour later.

These shocking CCTV images show the infant’s granddad pick up the tiny bundle – who still had his umbilical cord attached – and cradle him in his arms, not knowing that he was his own flesh and blood.
His daughter had kept her pregnancy secret from her family after splitting up from her boyfriend – and left her naked child propped up by the post next to a rubbish bin after giving birth alone in a bathroom at home.

In a remarkable string of coincidences the baby’s dad discovered he was father to a boy after recognising his ex in the CCTV footage during a public appeal for information about the abandoned child in Paraiba, Brazil.
Moises Pereira Teixeira, whose former girlfriend told him she had miscarried their child after four months, spoke last night of his joy at being reunited with the child he never knew he had.

Astonishingly, the baby had already been named Moises by authorities after the biblical character Moses,
before they discovered who his dad was and the fact he had the same name.
Proud father Moises senior said last night: “Thanks to God I have the support of my family, my mum, my grandfather and even my new girlfriend.

“Discovering my baby boy who I didn’t even know existed was safe after being abandoned at birth was such an emotional thing.
“And knowing that by sheer coincidence he had been given my name was an ever greater emotion.
“I hope now to win permanent custody. What happens to the mum is a question of divine justice. It’s not for me to forgive.”

The mum, who has not been named, is now facing criminal charges after a psychological examination.
She and her dad, who recognised his daughter in the CCTV footage the authorities released but decided to stay silent, have received death threats.

The granddad told Brazilian news site “The moment I saw the video, I said, ‘can a woman not have a baby in my house?’ I’m sinning, I’m thinking ill of my daughter. And I kept quiet.”
The child’s mum said her pregnancy had “gone unnoticed”.

Talking about giving birth, she said: “I was screaming in the towel to anyone listening. I was suffering there all alone. I held the baby in one arm, the placenta in the other. I cut the umbilical cord. It was a lot of blood.
She said she acted without thinking, in desperation and due to a loss of blood.
“I acted mechanically. I was no longer in logical reasoning,” she said.
Brazilian judge Queiroga Gadelha Graziela de Souza requested a psychological examination of the woman.

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