Sunday, June 14

Kenya's president Uhuru Kenyatta urges Africa to give up foreign aid.

What effect will this move have on Nigeria and other African countries if considered?

Do you think countries like Nigeria will be able to do without aid?

Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged fellow African leaders to stop receiving foreign aid, saying it is not an acceptable basis for prosperity.

"Dependency on giving that only appears to be charitable must end," he said in a tweetahead of this weekend's African Union summit in South Africa.

The BBC's Robert Kiptoo in Kenya says it is not a government policy but a rallying cry for African leaders.

Aid is believed to account for 5-6% of Kenya's total income.

Mr Kenyatta said that foreign aid "often carries terms and conditions that preclude progress".

"It is time to give it up," he wrote.

Kenya does receive a lot of aid, it did survive for four years without foreign assistance after western countries suspended their aid in 1991, to express their anger with then President Daniel arap Moi.
What say you?

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