Tuesday, June 9

Lifenews-Abortions Drop 12% in the United States as More Babies Saved From Abortion.

A new national report from the Associated Press indicates that abortions have dropped 12 percent nationwide and are down in almost every state in the country as more babies are being saved from abortions than ever before.

The survey found abortions are dropping the most in states that have passed the most pro-life laws, but abortions are down even in pro-abortion states that haven’t passed as many pro-life laws. Those figurs make it clear that national pro-life educational efforts, pregnancy support services and pro-life prayer and educational campaigns at abortion clinics nationwide are making a difference in providing women with abortion alternatives.
North Carolina had the second largest decrease in abortions at 26.3 percent followed by New Mexico with a 23.9 percent drop.Read the report here.

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