Saturday, June 20

Martin Luther King Jr’s Niece Marches Against Abortion at Selma Rally.

In Alabama, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Alveda King, will be marching with other pro-life leaders to bring attention to the illegal activities of abortionist, Dr. Samuel C. Lett.

A leader with the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, Catherine Davis, said the following about Lett’s abortion facility: “He has preyed, likely for years, mainly on poor, black women who feel they have no options. While the state stands back and allows Lett to do as he pleases, the black women of Selma are left to carry the injuries and sorrow that so frequently accompany abortion. They have absolutely no protection from the state.”
Dr. Lett doesn’t have a special license to do abortions, which Alabama law requires and has been performing the procedure for many years. The President of Americans United for Life, Charmaine Yoest, will join in with other pro-life leaders at a march this evening to declare that black lives matter.
She said, “It’s not enough to pass commonsense laws that protect women’s health and safety. Laws must be enforced so that all will be safe.” The march is sponsored by a coalition called The Selma Project, which aims to educate people on how to get involved in protecting African Americans from abortion.
As LifeNews previously reported, Star Parker, Ryan Bomberger, Rev. Dean Nelson, Will, Dehavilland Ford, and Dr. Freda Bush also plan to attend the march in Selma tonight.
In a press release about the event, Dr. Yoest said, “Convicted murderer and abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell could have been stopped if only Pennsylvania officials had enforced the pro-life laws on the books. To be clear – the first, legal line of defense for women in abortion clinics when it comes to the law must be state and local officials properly and consistently enforcing a state’s abortion-related laws.”
She added, “Abortion harms women, and African-American women suffer more than others because of the tragic number of abortions in their community. Black women account for 37% of abortions and are 5 times more likely than white women to have an abortion. We stand here in Selma to note once again that when laws that protect health and safety are not enforced, African Americans bear too heavy a burden. Life-saving health and safety standards must be enforced to protect women from the negligence of abortionists.”
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Additionally, the group said that the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) has ignored Dr. Lett’s illegal abortion practices despite complaints.
They said, ”This evidence was handed over to the ADPH in July 2014. In the months following, the ADPH made vague claim to an “ongoing” investigation, however, in March 2015, that investigation was closed with the ADPH only reporting that they were ‘unable to establish that [Lett’s] facility performed a number of abortions that would require it to be licensed…’”
Fr. Terry Gensemer, the director of the Charismatic Episcopal Church (CEC) For Life concluded, “In the last year, we have contacted the ADPH, the Board of Medical Examiners, and Governor Robert Bentley regarding Lett’s illegal abortion operation. No significant disciplinary action has been taken on behalf of women in Alabama, but there seems to be plenty of inaction on behalf of Samuel Lett. We organized this weekend’s events to remind these apathetic state officials that every citizen’s life matters, and no woman in America should be subjected to a back-alley abortionist, like that of Dr. Lett.”

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