Wednesday, June 10

Woman commits suicide because she was not getting a good sex from her hubby.

A 32-year-old housewife and evangelist, Nancy in Okpanam Community, Asaba in Delta State  Nigeria, has committed suicide by stabbing herself to death  last Saturday June 6th 2015.
According to her friend she committed suicide after complaining that her husband has not been giving her good sex since they got married,according to the source, the deceased said her husband lasts less than two minutes during sex.
Report  says Nancy complained bitterly to one of her relatives, she also reveled that she got to know about her husband's inability to satisfy her in bed after their wedding. Late Nancy claimed she and her hubby did not  engage in premarital sex during their courtship.(It means they did christian courtship).
Police officers in Okpanam Police Division have confirmed the story. They said they have seen her lifeless body in her room.
What do you think about this story? Do you believe such things  happens?

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