Tuesday, July 14

Where are the men? This research is for, find out if you want to live long.

The best German researcher ever has published in the New England Journal of Medicine that a study including 200 health men over 5 years, including 3 separate hospitals, has concluded that men looking at “busty women” for 10mins every day, will extend their lifespan by 5 years.
The actual statistics are surprising, as it’s said to be equal to 30-min of aerboic excercise:

“Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female such as Baywatch actress Pamela Lee is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out,” said author Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.

The key seems to be from lower blood pressure and lower resting pulse rate… oh yea, and BOOBS. The other reason Weatherby is my new hero is her following suggestion for men over 40:

…Weatherby, who even recommended that men aged over 40 should spend at least 10 minutes daily admiring breasts sized “D-cup” or larger.

Keep in mind, this is different from the study done years ago that say having a pet cat or dog lowers your blood pressure and makes your healthier. The trick here is that looking at large breasts ups your blood pressure, gets your cardio system going and equates to 30mins worth of workout (for being sexually arouse by boobs for 10mins).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice then..sucking and starring in progress.

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