Friday, September 4

Life News-Baby Jaxon, Who Doctors Said to Abort Because He Would Die, Defies the Odds. Turns 1 Year Old

jaxon2In 2014, baby Jaxon was born to Brandon and Brittany Buell in Massachusetts. However, before he was born he was diagnosed prenatally with a very rare condition and his doctors advised the couple to abort. They told them he would not survive in utero, and even if he did, he would pass away after birth.

Thankfully, they refused and decided to leave their son’s life in God’s hands.
Doctors told Brandon and Brittany the following about their son’s grim future: “They told us he wouldn’t hear, see, or have any senses. He wouldn’t tell us he was hungry. He may not do any of life’s normal luxuries. Early on it was very tough for us. It was tough not knowing what we were gonna get and we could lose him at any time.”
Now Jaxon has just celebrated his first birthday and making strides doctors believed he would never make. Brandon said, “They told us he wouldn’t be able to crawl or walk or talk. But we’ll put him on his left side and he’ll roll to his right side. He gets on his hands and knees for a minute. He’s already stronger than we ever thought.”
After he was born, Jaxon was officially diagnosed with Lissencephaly, which is a condition that causes the brain to have folds that it shouldn’t. The couple said the following about their son’s birthday on Facebook: “Today is a miracle, in and of itself, that through everything Jaxon has already been through, through his diagnosis, by the doubts of several medical teams, and with his perceived prognosis, he is still here, strong as ever, only dependent on a feeding tube, and can hear, see, talk, smile, laugh, and is learning more every day, even how to say ‘Mama’ and ‘Dadda’ directly to us.”
Although Jaxon has been uncomfortable because of his condition, he is starting testing to find out more about what is causing it. His parents explained, “The frustration continues because obviously something is going on, but how do we find it, and how do we fix it? One day at a time still for our family. Our baby boy remains strong as ever to be dealing with all of this every day yet still loves to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy as much as possible.”
On social media, the couple is asking for prayers for Jaxon and hoping they find physicians in Boston who can help him with his condition. They said, “Prayers and support are still needed and very much appreciated, and our family’s prayer continues for the exact place and doctor that Jaxon can get to that can actually help, add to his life, and give him the relief and comfort that he, and all of us, desperately need.” In another post they said their goal was to” find that one person, who actually knows how to help, to hear about or see Jaxon, and can add to his life or his quality of life with some type of answer, option, or solution.”
Currently, Brandon and Brittany are seeking care for Jaxon at Boston’s Children’s Hospital and have been meeting with their top neurologists. In fact, Live Action News reports that Jaxon will be meeting with two more neurologists this week who are specialists in epilepsy and neurological disorders. Brandon and Brittany will also visit with a gastroenterologist to learn more about their options for feeding Jaxon since he has been receiving nourishment through a feeding tube.

1 comment:

Olovo said...

They is nothing God can not do..

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