Thursday, September 3

Photos:Doctor Sew Patients Hand To His Stomach

87 year old Frank Reyes is a retired ranch worker and school bus driver from Missouri City, Texas who badly burnt his hand. He was changing a tire on his trailer when the jack slipped pinning his hand against the fender. It was 100 degrees, the hot metal cooked his hand.

Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Anthony Echo of Houston's Methodist Hospital at the Texas Medical Center, decided to place Reyes' hand inside his stomach. Dr. Echo surgically tucked Reyes' damaged hand under a pocket of tissue in his stomach to give it time to heal and form a new blood supply - Reyes endured this posture for three weeks.

This kind of surgery is not so new - temporarily attaching one body part to another or tucking it under the skin - is still not so common. Such operations are used on the battlefield, in trauma circumstances and also in research as a method to incubate lab-grown body parts from scaffold-like materials.
Image from Pat Sullivan and Juice Chat.

1 comment:

Olovo said...

Jesus...that must b very painful

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