Friday, October 2

Abortion Clinic in Connecticut That Killed 150,000 Babies in Abortions Since 1975 Shuts Down

summitwomenscenterIn Connecticut, an abortion facility that has been open in Bridgeport since 1975 has finally closed down.

According to Operation Save America (OSA), Summit Women’s Center is responsible for killing approximately 150,000 unborn babies in the last 40-years. During that time, they employed five abortionists and seriously injured many women in botched abortions. In 1990, Summit was doing up to 80 abortions a day, four days a week. However, that number decreased significantly over the years because of pro-life counselors who witnessed in front of Summit.

Unfortunately, OSA witnessed women being taken away from the abortion facility by ambulance after botched procedures on multiple occasions. They explained that one woman left Summit with a perforated uterus and bladder.

OSA said, “Her baby was bigger than the abortionist thought (21 weeks) and [the abortionist] ripped apart half of the baby and couldn’t get the second half out. The mom was hemorrhaging all the way to the hospital. Summit had to pay her $350,000 in damages and she could never have a baby again. Abortionist Jonas retired soon after that incident.”

Then, in August, Summit abortionist Jonathan Foster was fined $5,000 by the state medical board for completely removing a pregnant woman’s uterus at St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury.

 “Many women were seriously injured by these so-called doctors. Susan Richman has had a malpractice suit against her. Mark Blumenfeld was in the newspaper for slapping a patient on the table and taking prescription drugs illegally,” OSA said about other abortionists who worked at Summit. “We did expose Foster to all the girls going into Summit Center and gave them a copy of the article of the newspaper. It’s so sad that most of these young moms going into these abortion mills have no idea who the abortionist is or their names.”

Remarkably, 2371 babies have been saved from abortion at Summit since 1990 because of peaceful pro-life picketers who told women the truth about abortion.

An employee at Summit pleaded guilty to sexually abusing three teenagers in 2005. Michael Britt worked as a janitor for the abortion facility and abused girls aged 18, 17 and 14. Before working at Summit, Britt owned a modeling agency in the same building complex as the abortion clinic and lured teens in by telling them they couldn’t become models unless they had intercourse with him.

Although the girls abused by Britt were hesitant to testify against him, an AP report revealed that the 14-year-old appeared to be pregnant prior to meeting him. Apparently he applied cream on her body and told her it would cause an abortion. In July 2005, police charged Britt with first-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault, fourth-degree sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor.

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