Friday, October 2

Wendy Williams Tells Actress/Singer Nicole Scherzinger She ‘Wasted’ Good Baby-Making Years With Race Car

Wendy Williams was in full “say it like you mean it” mode with guest Nicole Scherzinger this week, saying to her face that her seven year, off-and-on relationship with Lewis Hamilton was a waste of her “good years” to have children.

On Wednesday’s episode of “The Wendy Williams Show,” Wendy started off by  apologizing for always mispronouncing her last name. She also told Nicole that her name has come up “a lot” on the program because it’s a “say it like you mean it show.”
And then the discussion turned to her love life.
“The last time we talked about you in Hot Topics, I was talking about the seven-year-relationship you had with that race car driver Lewis Hamilton ending,” said Williams. “And I was saying — truth — ’cause you’re 37, and I was like this is a woman who spent seven years of her life breaking up and getting back together.”
Williams continued, “Poor us, because they can have babies whenever they want. You know what I mean? Those are seven years you can never get back. He was really wealthy, and I was rootin’ for ya, girl. So I’m sorry to hear about that.”
Scherzinger responded by saying “everything happens for a reason,” and acknowledged that seven years is a “long time.”
Williams motioned to her reproductive organs and replied, “And the good years down here.”
Scherzinger avoided eye contact with Williams and said, “That’s alright, though,” and said it’s perfectly fine the way her life has turned out so far.
Ladies, was Wendy right or do women have more worth than just reproducing? Was that an acknowledgment of the truth of being a woman or a judgement? Tell us what you think!


Olovo said...

Hmmmm,,,dnt know what to say here...I pass

nwadikestephen said...

Wendy talks a lot

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