Tuesday, January 12

Fox TV Series Plants A Seed For Lucifer As A Charming Friend Of Mankind And Victim Of A Tyrant God

 The malice of Lucifer is such that he has always wanted to be not only known, but worshipped as God is worshipped, by angels and men. He even tempted Our Lord to worship him!
     Our words and efforts should echo the response of Christ Himself: "Be gone, Satan: the Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and Him alone shalt thou serve!" (Matt. 4:10)
     Now, see how Fox TV seems to plan to help Lucifer appeal to weak modern humanity in their scheduled series "Lucifer" for January, 2016.

  • Fox's online "About The Show" presents the devil as "charming, charismatic and devilishly handsome."
  • In the show - Lucifer refers to God like this: "Hey, he's my father, not yours. I can say whatever I want about the guy. I quit Hell because I was sick and tired of playing a part in Dad's plan. I believe in free will, not the tyranny of all his predestination hoo-ha."
  • Lucifer continues: "Thank you! But I've been doing a fair amount of thinking. Do you think I'm the devil because I'm inherently evil or simply because dear ol' Dad decided I was? Is this a classic case of labeling? What do you think?"
  • The film is quite demonic in its subtlety. In a nightclub, clips show plenty of gyrating, scantily clad dancers, sexual innuendos, glorify a party lifestyle, and portray Lucifer as a fun loving young man while God and his angel Amenadiel are no fun at all and don't relate to modern man.
  • HERE's More TRUTH About The Fallen Angel Lucifer
         "Satan is distinguished by his guile," writes Monsignor Cristiani. "Guile is a deceitful scheme. The being that acts with guile has bad intentions. If he speaks, it is not to say the truth, but to deceive, to lead to falsehood. Satan is treacherous, false. One cannot trust him. He lacks equity, loyalty, frankness. He is erroneous, voluntarily obscure and dissimulative."

    A Perverted Will
         In his book Angels and Demons, author Luis Solimeo states:

    • The devils are pure spirits, since they are Angels. They do not have the weaknesses of men. From this, we understand why their revolt against God is permanent, immutable, and eternal.
    • Their will became perverted and fixed in evil after they abandoned the Highest Good as their objective.
    • As a consequence, the devils do not wish anything but evil in all their voluntary acts and, even when they appear to do good (as, for example, when they restore someone's health, give riches, or teach something), it is only as a means to cause more evil, leading the person to final perdition, which is their ultimate wish for all men.

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