Saturday, August 13

Simone Manuel Is The History Making Champion!

Kazan 2015 - Simone Manuel.jpg 
Our very own Houston native is now the First African-American Woman to win an Individual Olympics Swimming Gold Medal for the United States. She has also made sporting history by becoming the First Black Woman to win the Swimming Olympics Games Gold Medal. 
Simone Manuel, who tied with Canada's 16 year old Penny Oleksiak with an Olympic record of 52.70, graduated class of 2014 from Austin High School. The 20 year old Sugar Land, Texas resident currently attends Stanford University and swims for Coach Greg Meehan's Cardinal Women's Team. Simone Manuel is also a two-time winning NCAA champion. Excellent Olympic Champions and Medalists, Maya DiRado and Lia Neal also attend while Katie Ledecky will be joining the Cardinals after Rio. Please visit  GoStanford 
[College Sports Facts - Stanford University sent the highest number of athletes (31) to Team USA Olympics. University of California at Berkley and University of California at Los Angeles both sent 16, University of Southern California 15, Pennsylvania State University and University of North Carolina both sent 13, University of Oregon and University of Texas both sent 12, Princeton University, University of Georgia and University of Washington sent 11 each, etc, etc. The largest number of college athletes are from the State of California -78.] .

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