Wednesday, July 22

Colorado State University Defends Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research.

In Colorado, Republican Representative Doug Lamborn has called for Colorado State University (CSU) to stop using aborted babies’ body parts for research. us or email us.

In 2013 CSU purchased fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood’s flagship abortion facility in San Jose, California via a company called Stem Express. In total, nine specimens were harvested from eight different aborted babies killed in abortions at that Planned Parenthood clinic and the purchase order reveals CSU bought two body parts, including an aborted baby’s liver.
This came to light after the Center for Medical Research released a video of Planned Parenthood’s top doctor, Deborah Nucatola, admitting that the abortion giant charges per-specimen for baby body parts, uses altered abortion procedures in order to get intact body parts, and is aware of their own liability for doing so and takes steps to cover it up.
The Colorado Statesman reports that Lamborn wrote a letter to CSU President Tony Frank requesting more information about their purchase from Stem Express.
He also asked that the University end their research immediately and implement a policy that forbids such actions. He said, “I also respectfully request that, should it be true that the policy of Colorado State University permits the purchase or acquisition of aborted babies’ body parts for experimentation or for other purposes, Colorado State University immediately revoke any such policy and thereafter refrain, cease and desist from any further purchases of aborted babies’ body parts.”
However, Franks has not yet responded to Lamborn and has instead released a CSU statement.
It says, “Regarding research conducted at Colorado State, our university is among major medical centers and institutions of higher education across the country that use donated fetal tissue in research aimed at curing some of the most devastating human diseases, including cancer, Dengue fever, diabetes and more.”
“Colorado State University is a national leader in infectious disease research, and CSU has used cells from fetal tissue samples as part of research to find a cure for HIV/AIDS. This tissue must be obtained legally and in compliance with federal regulations. The research is reviewed, supported and funded by the National Institutes of Health, and CSU follows all federal regulations and protocols related to the use of human tissue samples. Our research programs are regularly reviewed by federal regulators and other officials to ensure bioethical and legal compliance.”  (View the entire letter by clicking here)
The CSU statement concludes by assuring the public that all research done at their University is ethical and “medically important and fully compliant with all federal and university regulations.”
The truth is there is nothing “ethical” about buying aborted baby body parts regardless of what it’s used for. Last week, the pro-life group Colorado Citizens for Life issued a statement calling on Colorado State University to end the practice of conducting research using body parts from babies killed in abortions.
They said, “It’s shocking and reprehensible that Colorado State University is purchasing the body parts of aborted babies for research. Colorado Citizens for Life calls on Colorado State University to immediately disclose what research it is conducting with body parts from babies victimized by abortion.”
“Colorado Citizens for Life demands that that CSU immediately end any and all research involving the use of body parts from babies killed in abortions. It is unethical and disrespectful of the babies who lives were taken in abortions to conduct research using their body parts.”
ACTION: Contact Colorado State University and urge it to stop doing research using body parts from babies killed in abortions:

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