Wednesday, July 22

Info about Acetaminophen and ADHD.

Acetaminophen, is in the class of drug used for pain. It is commonly used in treating mild to severe ailments such as headaches, backaches, sprains, and menstrual cramps in non-pregnant women. ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a chronic medical condition, usually diagnosed in childhood, although adults may have it, too. Some symptoms of ADHD are being overly active, impulsiveness, trouble paying attention, etc.

The reality is we do not know exactly what causes ADHD, but we know there are certain factors that play a role. Factors that play a role in ADHD are if there is family history or connection, pregnancy problems (high-risk) or head injuries. While there is a lot of speculation about ADHD being linked to things like watching TV, sugar, certain medications during pregnancy, research has not found there to be a causal effect.

Children in general may exhibit the symptoms of ADHD, but it doesn’t mean they have the chronic medical condition. Any diagnoses of ADHD should come from a qualified and trained physician. Certain screenings you can ask your doctor to perform. (Editor's Note: Your child can also be assessed for ADHD through his/her school.)
Thanks for reading.

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