Sunday, August 16

Civil Rights Leader Julian Bond Dies At 75

Julian Bond, a long-time NAACP chairman and noted Civil Rights activited, passed away Saturday night (August 15) at the age of 75. He died in Florida after suffering from an undisclosed illness, according to the Southern Poverty Law center.

"With Julian's passing, the country has lost one of its most passionate and eloquent voices for the cause of justice," said Morris Dees, a co-founder of SPLU, where Bond had served as president.

Bond was an enduring figured in the Civil Rights movment, perhaps best known for his work with the NAACP, but he was also a professor and a staunch opponent of apartheid. The Tennesse native also was one of the founding leaders of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and later served in the Georgia Legistlature after graduating from Morehouse College.

Bond is survived by his wife and five children. 

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