Friday, October 2

Scratching sounds in woman's ear caused by web-spinning spider

 The spider may have embedded into Li’s ear when the 25-year-old went for a hike with her boyfriend. After returning home that night, Li says she began hearing a strange scratching sound that was occasionally accompanied by a sharp pain in her ear.

Li says she believed that she may have been "cursed" by evil spirits. According to Central European News, she "even went to a temple" to pray for the spirits to leave her.

Li also took painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication to ease the pain, but none of the remedies seemed to work.

About a week after the hike, Li visited Dr. Chen Zhao Ye, an ear, nose and throat specialist at the Xiamen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During the examination, Chen discovered a spider living inside Li’s troubled ear. The spider had even been weaving a web inside the ear cavity.
Removing the spider was reportedly a difficult and painful ordeal as the doctor's attempts caused it to react violently. Chen was only able to complete the task after subduing the spider with some anesthesia.,


Anonymous said...

Agatha this is irritating

Anonymous said...

Too bad

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Her boyfriend should heal her

Unknown said...

This is nonsense

Anonymous said...

Embede this image pls.

nwadikestephen said...

SDirty one pls

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